NI did the job on first try !

general questions about Neat Image
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NI did the job on first try !

Post by MrMagoo »

Hi I am new to NI and this forum, Just bought NI home Edition 2 weeks ago
A Friend asked me if I could scan a 2.75 x 3.75 inch area from a glossy postcard. I scanned it at 1200 dots per inch. Which naturally showed all the individual color dots upon close examination.
I ran the file three times though neat image which blended all the color dots nicely. as a bonus the Jpeg file went from around 30 to 2meg at best quality compression.
I had it printed online as a !2 x 18 and it came out great looking.
I am impressed.
Next in line is how to to use the Noise profile file for the Fuji S602Z
There are some night shots of the British House of Parliament from accross the river that just beg to have some of the noise removed.

Magoo :D
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:48 am

Another very pleased first time user

Post by joesch »

I took some pictures of an a capella group on a stage I ASSUMED would be brightly lit, but it wasn't. I set my Canon A70 for shutter priority at 1/60 second, so the pictures were shot at the highest ASA (400) and still quite dim - and, of course, noisy. I increased brightness and contrast with Photoshop Elements, with the unfortunate side effect that the already bad noise became truly awful. ... So today I bought NeatImage Home. Didn't yet read the manual. Did coarse tune, then auto fine tune on each image, kept the default filter settings, and each image was DRAMATICALLY improved. In fact they actually look good. I expected NI to be better than Photoshop's Noise Despeckle filter (which loses lots of sharpness) but I am truly impressed with how much better it is. It really is amazing. I can see why combining this with Photoshop's masking capabilities can do great things, maybe someday I'll get that; for the moment I'm really happy with the whole-picture improvement.
Joe S.
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